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Dot convention for accessing nested LVCLASS properties

Status: New

Let's assume the following two classes. Prop 1 is of type Class 2.lvclass. Both data members have their corresponding property accesors created.


Class1     Class2



I suggest simplifying the access to the nested class properties using dot convention similar to cluster elements. Like this













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AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Alex5 wrote:

> Reading on the other hand has a lot of value and use, and should be easier to implement. Right?


Earlier in my first comment on the thread, I wrote this:

> When reading a dotted property, there are no issues that I know about.


That's still mostly true, so the answer to your question is, "Yes. Mostly." The caveat is because I have since discovered a minor issue when the field you are accessing is a refnum. I'm not going to go into details today, but there are a lot of nasty performance/race condition issues that occur when the field you access is a refnum if we were then to allow you to access properties of the refnum. Those get weird. Maybe surmountable, but not dead simple like the by-value access.