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Force - Exponential Window diagram and Windowed output.

Status: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined. 



A small point, the force/exp window help description, for example, in the SVFA Frequency Reposnse vi reads a little ambiguous:




For example, what is unclear to me is where the exp decay starts from, I believe it is after the force window but it is not too clear.  Please can we get a diagram to help show exactly how this works in the help?


Can we also have these vi's also output the windowed waveform as well (i.e. what it actually perfoms the FFT on), so we can easily plot the transformed signal?






1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.