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Let Index & Bundle Cluster Array produce typedefs and 1D array members

Status: New

I have two arrays I'd like to pivot into an array of clusters of a particular typedef. I could index and bundle it myself, but it's just weird that I can't use this builtin function just because the typedef has an element that's an array.


Also, it's kinda weird that it won't take a typedef as prototype. Casting it after takes up about as much room as doing the bundle in a loop!


I can see some reasons that letting us pass in 2D arrays would lose the tight optimization of the original (maybe it can compile-time determine the size of the cluster elements if none of them are arrays... except that you can put in object data. I guess either that's a reference under the hood, or there's some other reason)


Or maybe it's that it could cause confusion between making a 1D array of clusters with 1D arrays, or making a 2D array of clusters of single elements? That seems like it could be solved either by only doing the former, or requiring a typedef in that case, to disambiguate.

Knight of NI

I don't see how a 2D array fit's into the idea? Paragraph 1 and 2 are clear to me, 3 and 4 are not. Is this a merge of two ideas?


I think the hole point of the function is (or was) you don't need to "make a destination type". It simply bundles array elements and puts them in an array... I agree that in your situation, an input type def adds some functionality. Can't say I had much need for it though.


If you pass in a 2D array to index and bundle cluster array, it just has a broken wire. It refuses to try.