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Right click a block's connector to get a relevant list of blocks from the context pallet that can connect to this connector.

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined. 


this is an idea I had when I first started using LabVIEW and I think it will benefit new users a lot:

In the block diagram, when we want to add a block after a certain block's output connector, not all the blocks from the function pallet are relevant since connecting them will result with a broken arrow.

Thus, I'd like the right click menu that opens when I right click a connector to show not only the pallet this block came from and the pallet of the data type that comes out from it but also the entire function pallet but filtered to blocks that can connect directly to such a connector.

If in the neighborhood of this blocks there are other similar blocks with one of the filtered block's connected to it then I'd like the filtered function pallet to open up from the location of the blocks that I used to connect to such a connector.



1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.