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"Floating" One Button Dialog

Status: New

The One Button Dialog presents a dialog to the user and suspends all User Interface operations, including any Events. In most cases this is OK, however at times it is desirable to presents a message to the user and continue execution. I have just had this need (again) and did the usual process of creating a subVI, setting it's properties appropriately and calling in a parallel loop through a queue. Even after this effort (it took several attempts to get it right), the dialog doesn't look the same, so is lacking.


The proposal presented here is to have a "floating" One Button Dialog (in addition to the existing one). The dialog would be displayed and execution can continue. That is, the user is notified that something has happened, but execution can continue.


I agree such a new primitive would be useful.


In the mean time Vito, you don't need to use a queue to initiate such a dialog.  Instead use the Run vi method with "Wait Until Done"=FALSE.  Enclose the following snippet into a subvi and voila, you're own calling structure for your floating dialog.


Launch floating dialog v0.1.png

Active Participant

Thanks Peter. Great interim solution, until NI get around to it Smiley Wink

Knight of NI

Also, you could modify "Prompt user for input" to simply display a message and have floating behavior without wiring the output to the connector pane.  OR even better start with this as a template and Use my least favorite LabVIEW feature Advanced>Create or edit Express vi>New. 


I have done the first a few times.  Sounds like a no-brainer to add the "Display floating message" express vi that can Close with caller OR acknowledge button press.  Kudos!

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay

What would be nice is if the exisiting primative had a "Modal" boolean control.

Active Participant

^ That's probably the way to go.