LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino-Labview AHRS

hi ,  im doing my final year project and ahve face some issues for the labview. i need to do the AHRS using the ALT-IMU V4 SENSOR. ive test the arduino code with a python and it manage to view the value all successful. but i had to present this in labview. so i have the arduino interface with labivew to show the roll, pitch and yaw indicators. but my floating numbers obtain to not stable as the number keep jumping. so i cant view a stable value. so whats the cause of this problem. i nee d help , ty

i also attached my arduino and labview files for my Final year project.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello alffi8,

How do you communicate with your ALT-IMU V4 SENSOR ? in I2C ?

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Message 2 of 5

Yes, in I2C

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Message 3 of 5

Okay, but I don't see anywre the I2C commands and sélection of your sensor in this programm.

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Message 4 of 5

LIFA won't work with any Arduino sketch.  LIFA only works with it's own sketch (LIFA firmware) which means you either have to port your I2C to LabVIEW via the LIFA I2C function or somehow integrate your code into the LIFA firmware.

If you don't need to send any commands to the Arduino, you can simply create a Serial reader (basically a serial monitor) and then parse the output to extract the values that you want to display.  Take a look at the VISA Serial examples for some basics on how to use the VISA functions.

Also, as an FYI, LIFA is old and unsupported.  LINX is the new version and is supported at

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