LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino UNO R3, uploading problem.

I have this problem.

core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':
C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.0.4\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/main.cpp:11: undefined reference to `setup'
C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.0.4\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/main.cpp:14: undefined reference to `loop'

Thx for your time and help.

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Message 1 of 4

You need to make sure that all 10 files in the firmware folder open simultaneously.  The Arduino IDE will do this for you if you open LIFA_Base.ino from the Arduino IDE.

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Message 2 of 4

Same problem here... I got to scale back to LabVIEW Interface for Arduino v2.1.1.69 to be able to compile

There is something weird in the new version of LIFA where the .ino file is not in the expected directory, and a pop-up in arduino.exe requires the creation of this missing folder...


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Message 3 of 4

I try to upload the files .h and gives an error or compiling the files .cpp but the problem persist. I guess they need each other but they are calling the same variable with the same name i dont know much about that, its what i think.

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Message 4 of 4