LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Beginning using Arduino with LabView

Hi all,

I am new to both LabView and the Arduino.  For the past couple of weeks I have been learning the fundamentals of LabView and am now ready to use the Arduino to acquire some signals.  I have loaded the software and can see the boad in the Measurement and Automation explorer and I was wondering if there are any documents out there which explain how to construct a block diagram to get the signals from the board.

Is the procedure the same as acquiring signals from a conventional NI Daq system and is there a tool palette from which I can acess structures to use in the data acquisition process.

I look forward to hearing from anyone who can help out.


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Message 1 of 5

You should not use LIFA but instead use LINX.  Once you install LINX via VIPM, you can look at the many examples provided to see how to write code using LINX.  If you have questions about LINX, you can post on the LINX forums.

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Message 2 of 5


“You should not use LIFA but instead use LINX.”



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Message 3 of 5

LIFA has not been updated or supported for years.  LINX is the replacement for LIFA with many advantages and is actively being developed by the original creator of LIFA and LINX.

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Message 4 of 5

I think so, the first using LIFA I have a problem. but now using LINk I've been able to integrate with arduino labview

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Message 5 of 5