LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Changing Default Arduino Init VI


I have been trying unsuccessfully for days to connect my arduino mega with LabView. I have been running into trouble because all the VI's used in any of the examples are default set for the arduino UNO. Therefore, everytime I try to run lets say the analog voltage read example it automatically assumes I am using an UNO. Even if I manually switch to mega this change will not stay even if I save it. I have been able to successfully connect to the mega by using only the init vi and changing the board to mega. This works when ONLY the init vi is running. However, when I try to edit this to have mega as the default board it doesn't save my changes. Am I missing something? I am fairly new to LabView but I have a lot of experience with arduino. So in short my question is how do I edit the arduino package VI's so that they can default to a board type of mega instead of UNO?

Thank You

- Jason

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Message 1 of 4

Hey Jason,

    I've been working a lot with the Mega and LabVIEW these days for my research project. Just to be clear, you uploaded the LFVIA_base 'firmware' files to the Mega using the Arudino IDE uploader? I attached a zip file with the files you need to upload to your Mega.

You also need the Labview interface for Arduino which can be found here: ; You will also need the NI-VISA drivers installed which you can find here:

   I changed a few things before I communicated. I went into device manager and changed the baud rate to 115200 kbps. I attached a sample Labview program that works for my Mega connected to my desktop. The program basically configures digital pin 9 into an OUTPUT, and is user controlled to read a PWM value before sending it back to the Arduino and controlling a step motor. Let me know if it at least gets you started. Since I've started my project, everything has been running pretty smooth.

Best of luck,


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Message 2 of 4

Hello Aman

Thank you very much for your reply. Your VI was exactly what I needed to get started. I was missing the input into the INIT vi dictating that I was using a mega. Once I put this into my vi it worked flawlessly. I appreciate the help,

- Jason

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Jason,

Glad to be of help!



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