LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Controlling Drive Motors

My team is very new to LabView and we are trying to get some help controlling our drive motors using LIFA. We have vex 884 victors as the controllers for our two motors. We are using deWatt drill motors. We tested them with the victors on Arduino and were able to control speed and direction.

The way the victors work for those who don't know is this: you send a pwm to the victors that determines the speed and direction. A pwm of 127 is the "neutral" zone, meaning the motors don't move. Above the neutral zone is forward, below the neutral zone is reverse.

Now we need to know how to do it in LabView...I must confess I'm not even sure how to start. I saw the stepper and servo motor examples, but I don't know what works for our application. Can someone help me get started? Give a brief verbal breakdown of which functions and controls I need to use?

I need to:

1) Read some sort of control input. I was thinking of just using a slide bar on the front panel.

2) Convert the control input to a pwm signal.

3) Send the pwm signal to the motor.

We need the following modes:

1) Forward: both motors moving at the same input speed forward.

2) Backward: both motors moving at the same input speed backward.

3) Left: motor for right side moving forward at input speed.

4) Right: motor for left side moving forward at input speed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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