LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Issue Connecting Arduino R2 Uno with LabView-- R3 Uno works...

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I have a x64 Win 7 install running Labview 2011. I have an R3 and an R2 Uno. On my R2,  I installed the firmware sketch and tried to complete a VI that turned on the LED at pin 13 off a bool switch.  The RX pin blins rapidly, but the TX has no ife.  I then created constants for the COM port.  still no dice.  I ran the  Sometimes it is green in both colmes, but only the RX light turns on.  Sometimes it is red in the right column, giving code 5002.  I set the bytes per packet to 15.  Nothing.  No idea where to go from here. 

On my R3, it worked on the first try with the same set up procedure and VI.  What gives?  Any help is appreciated

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Accepted by topic author Genesisfactor

I have no idea what happened, but after i toyed a bit more with the R3, I decided to debug the R2 and it too just worked...while i am happy it worked, i have bno idea how to recreate the error...

Oh well

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