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  Can anyone help me?
I need to know how to use the LIFA with xbee modules?
What do I need to get started?

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Message 1 of 4

You're not the first to try this (it works but requires a bit more configuration than serial via USB).

Search the forums and you should find everything you need.  If not please post back here with quetsions.


-Sam K

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Message 2 of 4

To use LIFA with Xbee and Arduino you will need the following items.

Two Xbee Modules.  Both must be  either Series 1 or Series 2 modules.  Series 1 and Series 2 modules are incompatible.

For series 1 see: <

For series 2 see: <>

Either an Xbee Explorer USB or an Xbee Explorer Dongle.

For Xbee Explorer SB se: <>

For Explorer Dongle see: <>

An Explorer is used to configure the Xbee modules.

And the XCTU software. .  See: <>

The first step in the process is to configure the Xbee modules and to get your PC to communicate with your Arduino Board using wireless communication.  LIFA is not used in this step.

The second step is to reinstall The LIFA_Base software on your Arduino board and to test the operation.

I will add additional details later.  In the meantime you can get started by using Google to Search for "Arduino Xbee Tutorial"  and using the information provided proceed with the first step.

If you already havbe some components on hand and they differ from the above list please report the differences.


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Message 3 of 4

Please add a Xbee Shield to the list of items required to use LIFA with an Arduino board.

Two possible choices.



The Sparkfun Xbee Shield has good documentation and is available in approximately 3 days when shipped by first class mail.  However, the user must install header pins  before plugging a Sparkfun Xbee Shield into an an Arduino board.   This may be a problem if you have poor eye sight.

The E-bay Xbee Shield comes with header pins installed. However, the documentation is skimpy and there is a 2 to 3 week delivery time.


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Message 4 of 4