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LIFA using BYJ48 stepperMotor and ULN2003 motor driver

I'm new in using LIFA and stepper motors. Thats is why I'm trying to run the example program of LIFA in step motors. By using arduino Mega,a ULN2003 motor driver module, and a BYJ-48 Stepper Motor I run the VI and put number of steps/sec =1 and number of steps to do = 10. But my motor did not rotate nor vibrate. I've already run my motor with an arduino code only and it smoothly run but for instrumentation I would like to run it on LabVIEW. Any help or suggestions? is there any sample vi to run a BYJ48 steeper motor with ULN2003 motor driver?

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Message 1 of 4

When you say ULN2003 do you mean a ULN2003 Driver board?  The stepper motor example that comes with LIFA is not compatible with a ULN2003 driver board.and can't be used with a ULN2003 driver board.


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Message 2 of 4

thank you sir hrh212 for your help.

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Message 3 of 4

If you are using a ULN2003 driver board I suggest you use the same approach used in the Documents L298 Stepper Example.  See:

<>      This example does not use LIFA.  Instead the example uses the serial communications capability  of Labview to send a "number of steps to move" command to an Arduino sketch.  The only thing you may need to modify is  the sketch you have been using with your ULN2003 driver board.  The modifications are reading the "number of steps to move:"  commad and using the command with your Arduino sketch.   For hints see the L298Nvers2 sketch that is included in the download. 


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