LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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LabVIEW Interface for Arduino using Xbee Module

I used XBee's way back and I had never heard of the terms "explorer" or "coordinator", I just used what I needed to make them work.  I've not used one since I started working with LIFA though.

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 98

no problem, thanks a million for your help anyway.

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 98

Hi Nathan, quick question. I was playing around with the Xbee's and cant get them to communicate using configuration software at any other baudrate bar 9600. My com ports are set at 9600 also. However i cant get my labview vi to work at 9600. It will work fine at 115200. Im only using LIFA base upoaded to the arduino with no alterations. Can you think of any way i could lower this to 9600? Maybe this would allow my system to work when all baudrates are matching? Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 98

You have to edit the LIFA firmware so that it initiates the Arduino serial interface at the specific baudrate.  I think it is in LabVIEWInterface.h (I don't have the files to check at the moment).

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 98

Would that be here?

#define FIRMWARE_MAJOR 02   

#define FIRMWARE_MINOR 00 

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

#define DEFAULTBAUDRATE 9600// Defines The Default Serial Baud Rate (This must match the baud rate specifid in LabVIEW)


#define DEFAULTBAUDRATE 115200


#define MODE_DEFAULT 0        // Defines Arduino Modes (Currently Not Used)
#define COMMANDLENGTH 15      // Defines The Number Of Bytes In A Single LabVIEW Command (This must match the packet size specifid in LabVIEW)
#define STEPPER_SUPPORT 1     // Defines Whether The Stepper Library Is Included - Comment This Line To Exclude Stepper Support

If i remove the


#define DEFAULTBAUDRATE 115200

Do i need to define the "uno " board  rather than the two mentioned above?


would that be ok.?

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 98

It assumes the board is the Arduino Uno so you can change that 115200 to what ever you want.  If it's working with 115200, you might be ok leaving it, I've only read from some others on here that they couldn't get it working at 115200 and required lowering it.

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 98

Ok thanks, ill play around with this and see how i get on.Thanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 98

Nathan, i changed the baudrate in the LabViewInterface file and finally got the xbees working . thanks for all your help.

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 98

hey Nathan.

i have two Xbee s2 modules. i cant get them to work with labview and arduino... can you help me in doing the settings for the coordinator and router. i have read that  i need to set up coordinator as API and router as AT. but they doesnt seem to work with the arduino and LABView setupUntitled.png

plzzz help me.

0 Kudos
Message 39 of 98

hey .. can you help with one router and one coordinator XBEE.. i need to connect them to Labview through LIFA in arduino. i cant get the XBEE to send data.. i manage to send data to the arduino but not to the xbee.
please help

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Message 40 of 98