LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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One question about the operation frequency of Arduino board.

I got some problems when I was trying to do a simple LED project of arduino controlled by Labview VIs. Due to the high frequency required for the LED, I cannot use the wait function when the program is operating at several hundreds Hertzs, it will cause the output of LEDs very imprecise.

Thus, I plan to directly give amount of 1s and 0s to the Digital Write Pin module of Labview. However, I am not sure how many 1s or 0s should I use because I am not sure what is the frequency that the board is operating. The baud rate I used is 11520 and the arduino board I was using is the Uno board.

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Message 1 of 3

By the way, I also think about using directly an array of numbers as the control for Digital Write Pin module, which I think would be more helpful without the for loop. However, error shows up said that I cannot wire an array to it. Is there any way I can directly generate a bounch of numbers to it so that, it will directly output through this array?

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Message 2 of 3

No, this is not possible.

Note that LIFA is very old and is no longer supported.  LINX is its replacement (it is also faster) but realize, you can't do what you are asking at all (you are asking to send a buffer of value).  Here is the FAQ about the the speed of LINX.  Also, LINX is slower than you might think because serial communication is slow in general.

Depending on what you are trying to do,  you might consider trying to use PWM.  If you have further questions, please upgrade to LINX and post on the LINX forums.

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