LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Read data From RXD pin in arduino using LabVIEW LIFA

I  want to read data using RXD pin of Arduino uno and want to show this into LabVIEW.I am not finding  any VI in LIFA toolkit whcih can read data from RXD pin of arduino..

Note==Data coming to RXD pin is comming from TXD pin of other microcontroller (I cant use ISP).Data which is coming like 500 /n 523 /n 100/n 1/n

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LIFA uses digital pins 0 and 1 on an Arduino Uno.  You can not connect other signals to digital pins 0 and 1.

However, you could use other digital pins for your UART signals. For more information see:


Or if you are not using stepper motors you could use an Arduino Leonardo.


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