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hx711 +load cell+arduino using LIFA

This guy made it work with LYNX. Just to let you know.

It worked for me with Arduino Leonardo.


Hope it works for someone else too.

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Message 11 of 12

@RAQH wrote:

@Duron-WTS  ha escrito:

Hello again,

Finally I "created" a library to be able to add a load cell using HX711. It is based on Nathan_B LIFA Ultrasonic Distance LV9 showed in this post:

And was done under the suggestions of Daikataro. Thanks a lot.


For sure that can be enhanced. So far I am not a professional, but still it is working fine. 

Any suggestion, tip or modification would be very welcome. Indeed, I would be very glad if someone with more experience and professionalism have a look and give at least a brief guideline on how could I do it better. 


@did you place SCK @ A1 & DT @ A0?


Thank you very much for the help.



Sorry for my late reply.

Pin SCK of the HX711 -> Pin 5 on the Arudino board.

Pin DTof the HX711 -> Pin 6 on the Arduino board.


Normally the scripts for Arduino Leonardo include a while loop like this in the setup:


  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

You could try and add it to the main LIFA_Base script. Remember that to use this custom function, you need to upload the LIFA_Base script you can find on the library.


I am managing to get a LV Home version and hope to get it at home soon. When that happen, I will post and update of the library a bit easier to use.


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Message 12 of 12