LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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indications ultrasonics pause when motor stepper running


i have problems with my VI's, i want instructions motor stepper running with sequence structure through command indications of ultrasonics sensor, when motor stepper running indication at ulrasonic sensor is pause and then motor stepper stop indications ultrasonics normal again. i used dual full bridge amplifiers at motor stepper.please help me. thanks

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Message 1 of 4

What exactly is your question?

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Message 2 of 4

I want when the stepper motor works indication ultrasonic sensor does not stop?

thanks mr Nathan

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Message 3 of 4

What you are seeing is the normal operation of the LIFA Stepper Motor Example.  When running the LIFA stepper code Arduino returns a number of steps to go signal.  Labview will not move to the next code step in your Labview program until the steps to go signal goes to zero steps. 

The easiest work around is to send a small number of steps command to Arduino.  By doing this you can get more frequent ultrasonic readings and make it appear as if you can simultaneously move the step motor and read the ultrasonic transducer signal.


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