LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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serial communication between arduino and labview

hi guys,

please hell me

i'm doing my Remotly controlled vehicle mini project

in that project i want to control a vehicle using joystick the joystick is connected to labview geting values.

i want send this values to arduino using serial communication

but the labview send the string values but i want decimal values

wat should i do?

i attached my programs here

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Message 1 of 4

I can't open your vi as I am using Labview2010. If you can send it as a .png file I'll look at it but if I understand your question properly you don't want LV to send the string but want it to change that string value to a decimal value? If so just use the Decimal String To Number function found in the Programming>String>String/Number pallette.

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Message 2 of 4

Using the Send Receive VI you can send an array of bytes to the Arduino.  You can add a case to the firmware to interpret these bytes any way you like.  For example you can use several Split Number VIs in LabVIEW to split a doulbe into 8 bytes, send the to the arduino as a byte array and then use bit operations to build the bytes back into a double on the Arduino.

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Murph i attach a older version program now this program open your system

u can modify that program

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Message 4 of 4