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3D Picture Control Doesn't Zoom in Orthographic Mode

Hello Mark,


I looked into this, and it appears that Corrective Action Request #302192 was filed as a bug, and when investigated was determined to be intended behavior for the aforementioned reasons.  If you feel strongly that the behavior of the control itself should be changed or an additional configuration option should be provided to allow this sort of pseudo-zoom automatically, I encourage you to create a product suggestion and describe in detail why the current behavior should be different- referencing this thread is certainly a good idea.


I'll also see about having this reevaluated as a documentation CAR, as it seems there's been a fair amount of confusion with regards to the current behavior.




Tom L.
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

Hi SWalpole,

I came across your post only recently when I was asked for the first time to produce an Orthographic view.

Seems since your post no-one has answered your original question as to how do to do a Zoom in Ortho mode.

Well, an inspiring post by Relec at has a demo that does that!

Main trick:

5b. Right click on the 3D Picture Control and select "Camera Controller" then "Oriented"


In the meantime I've also found a way to "Zoom" using the Projection Matrix itself and programtically using the mouse wheel.

My solution can also be found at the above thread.



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 12