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A problem with dsc security

I made a SCADA on LV8.5+DSC consists of two parts: first - data asquisition and data logging in Citadel, second - HMI (client, connected with first program by psp protocol).

I create in LV Domain Security Manager two account: User and SuperUser in Operators group (simplest case). I try use security domain account to limit access on same HMI function.When I develop both programs I log in Windows XP as Admin (Administrator group) and all worked as it necessary.  I build stand-alone application both first and second parts from successful.


Then I create on my WinXP an user, named Operator (users group). I try execute my both program as Operator and have a problem. Both Programs worked, but NI Tagger Service stopped, when i try to change User and SuperUser accounts. Why?


Execuse my bad english


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
I am a bit confused about your problem.  You say you created User and SuperUser accounts, but then created an XP user named Operator.  Then you try to change the User and SuperUser accounts, and this stops the Tagger service?  What do you mean by change the accounts?
Brian A.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thank you, Brian!


I don't understand a difference by NI Security Domain and WinXP Security Service. I suppose, that  NI Domain independent from WinXP.

Therefore, in my case, real WinXP user (Admin and Operator) and  NI Security Domain (User and SuperUser) not equal.


May be, I must create same users as WinXP as NI Security Domain?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

First, let me make sure I understand the situation correctly.  You have 2 users configured in your NI Domain.  When you log into XP as Administrator, then log into the NI Domain with either of these users, you see expected behavior.  However, when you log into XP as some other user, then log into the NI Domain as one of the 2 users, there is a problem?


What exactly is the problem you are seeing?  Do you see any error messages? You say this is related to the tagger service.  What settings do you have in LabVIEW in the Options, under Security in the "Current shared variable engine user" field?

Brian A.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Dear Brian!


First, let me make sure I understand the situation correctly.  You have 2 users configured in your NI Domain.  When you log into XP as Administrator, then log into the NI Domain with either of these users, you see expected behavior.  However, when you log into XP as some other user, then log into the NI Domain as one of the 2 users, there is a problem?


You are right.


What exactly is the problem you are seeing?  Do you see any error messages? You say this is related to the tagger service. 


I attach jpg-file with screenshot.


What settings do you have in LabVIEW in the Options, under Security in the "Current shared variable engine user" field?


I have default settings "nobody". I read LabVIEW hel, but understand this theme no.


Thank you!




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
The error you are seeing is usually caused by one of two things.  One cause is an incorrect path to the variables, but since you can log in as admin and successfully bind to the variables I do not believe this is the problem.  The other cause for this error is often security settings in Windows.  Specifically firewall and DCOM settings.  Check out this article on this specific error, and DCOM settings.  I recommend you take a look at your firewall settings while logged in as just a user, along with your DCOM settings.  Also, when logged in as a user, check the Windows Services from the Control Panel to see if the National Instruments Variable Engine is running.
Brian A.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6