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Alternative to Key Config Files?

Does anyone have a good alternative to key config files? I am having an absolutely miserable time with config files. For example, I'm trying to read a key which happens to be a string. I get back an empty string, but it indicates the key was "found". In the text file, it is a clearly defined value, not an empty string. This is just one of many, many frustrations with config key files.


I like the fact that key config files are easily read in their text format, but since labview seems to handle them so poorly, I'm looking for an alternative scheme. Any examples would be greatly appreciated.

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The only real problem I've head with the config VIs is that when you write the file out the VIs insist on putting quotes around strings and removing blank rows. That's very irritating...


Can you upload your .ini file and the code you're using to read the key?

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Message 2 of 5

I'm very surprised I've never had that sort of issue with INI files. Can you post your code AND you INI file?

An alternative, for if you really don't want INI files anymore is XML files.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 3 of 5

My point wasn't that I wanted to troubleshoot what I had (though I appreciate the offer). I've actually sorted through a few of the issues already. My overall question is if there is a better alternative. The labview implementation doesn't handle errors well at all. For example, it failed to detect that it couldn't find that value in the file (which was written there by the write function, not by hand so I'm reasonably sure it is properly formatted). I'm more interested to see if this is the major option for config values or if people use an alternative (i.e. xml).

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Message 4 of 5

Well XML sounds nice, no?

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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