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An error occurred loading VI. LabView load error code 1: LabView load error code %ld: %p”

I have been developing a VI file that has been working fine, until now. I am using 8.6.

Every time I attempt to open this file I keep getting:

How do I fix the error code:


Labview: Memory is full.

An error occurred loading VI. LabView load error code 1: LabView load error code %ld: %p”

On a separate dialog:

“Not enough memory to complete this operation.”

I ran VI analyzer which told that the VI:

One or more errors occurred during analysis.

Testing errors tab – Vi not loadable and my file name. At the bottom in the error description I got:

“Error 74. Memory or data structure corrupt. <my file path> and <file name>.”

Could not be opened.

Is there anything I can do to recover the file?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

That KB article applies to when you're running a VI, not when you're opening a VI, which is what the user is having problems with.


To poster: Your most likely problem is that you have a corrupt VI. I would suggest trying to open a backup, which you have, right? You could try to upload your VI to see if someone else can open it. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8



Is there an answer for this? i have the same problem...


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

As I indicated, the VI could be corrupt. Try opening a backup. Otherwise you can upload your VI and see if someone else can open it.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi there


I am having this same problem.  I don't have a backup of this code and was wondering if someone could perhaps try to open this file for me.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi kevin_khan,


I went ahead and tried to open it and got the error attached.

Peter T
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Dear National Instruments,


Is there any solution to a "LabView load error code 1: LabView load error code %ld: %p”" type error ?


/søren jensen

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Message 8 of 8