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Analysis a part of a signal



I acquire a signal from an inductive sensor mounted on a rotating part at a variable speed ( 1000 rev/min - 2000rev/min - ... - 7000 rev/min). The transition from one speed to another is already programmed on the machine ( Each speed lasts 30 seconds ). The final signal that I acquire corresponds to all speeds.


How can I cut my signal to do a spectral analysis for example for any given speed?


Attached an explanatory picture, I want to know for example how to get the part of the signal located between the red and the blue sliders ( Which corresponds to the first speed) ?



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Message 1 of 3

I'm beginning to sound (to myself) like a broken record -- If you want help with your code, post your code (this means "Attach the VI itself, do not attach a non-executable, non-examinable picture of a part of your code").


You clearly have data somewhere that you are plotting.  You clearly have cursors that you are using to (either manually or programmatically, we can't tell without seeing your code) "mark" the region of your data you want to analyze further.  So you have data, a "begin here" and "end here" point, so it should be pretty obvious that you need to "Extract the data from Begin Here to End Here and pass this sub-set to the Analysis Routine".


If you need more specific information than that, you'll need to show us what you are doing.  Attach your VI.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

Here is a quick exemple of a way to extract the part of the waveform between the graph cursor.


Extract Part of Signal.png


As Bob said, without your vi and more information there is not much we can do to help you.



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