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Anyone has ideas about "Invoke node - attachdatasocket" , how to use it in edit mode. Could you give a simple example?

I'm trying to bind network variable by attachdatasocket, but it always failed. Anyone has good ideas about "Invoke node - attachdatasocket" , how to use it in edit mode. Please clarrify it. Could you give a simple example?

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@AceZhoudollartreecompass wrote:

I'm trying to bind network variable by attachdatasocket, but it always failed. Anyone has good ideas about "Invoke node - attachdatasocket" , how to use it in edit mode. Please clarrify it. Could you give a simple example?



This method is typically used at edit time, meaning you configure the binding when the VI is not running. Here’s a simple example of how you might use it:


Open your VI in edit mode.
Right-click on the control or indicator you want to bind to a network variable.
Select “Create” > “Invoke Node” > “attachdatasocket”.
Wire the reference of the control or indicator to the Invoke Node.
Configure the properties of the Invoke Node to specify the network variable path.


Here’s a basic code snippet to illustrate the steps:


// Assuming 'controlRef' is the reference to your control or indicator
// and 'networkVarPath' is the path to your network variable as a string.

// Create the Invoke Node for 'attachdatasocket'
InvokeNode attachDataSocket = new InvokeNode(controlRef, "attachdatasocket");

// Set the network variable path
attachDataSocket.SetInput("networkVarPath", networkVarPath);

// Execute the binding


Please note that the actual implementation may vary based on the specific version of LabVIEW you are using and the context of your application.


Best Regard,

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