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Anyway to accelerate 3d scatter plot

Hi, there,


I am trying to plot and update a position marker in 3d plot.

I tried 3D scatter, to update the point in 3D. But seems the update speed of the vi is quite slow. Is there anyway to accelerate the speed? Or any 3d plot function to recommend for this job? 


I also tried to plot the point in 2D, using XY plot matrix vi, and I have no idea for each iteration, the axis of the plot keeps blinking... I have set the axis range, and there is no autoscale applied. I am not sure where the blinking come from... 


I tried to import a JPEG figure and use DRAWPOINT vi, also similar condition, the update speed is slow. 


Taking the slowness for example, I gave all x-y or x,y,z pairs as control, and the plot command in a while loop. When running the loop, I cannot update the XYZ values too fast, if I click too fast, it just hangs... (my PC is the top settings workstation from Dell, so hardware should not be a critical issue). 


Anyone knows how can I do this? I am not expecting the plot to update in a ultra fast way, but at least ~10Hz... that is all I am looking at. Appreciate for your help!

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Message 1 of 2

Would it be possible for you to upload a copy or an image of each of the different methods that you have tried, from the sounds of it there are probably only simple mistakes that once corrected should have the program functioning as you desired.

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