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Application Builder stuck on "Building Application..."

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Using LV2016 I'm having trouble building an executable. It gets stuck on the "Building application..." step. If I press Cancel, it will say it is canceling but never actually closes, and I have to end the process from Task Manager. It uses some NI-Scope functions but nothing out of the ordinary, and I am able to build a very similar application (different .lvproj) in about a minute. I've tried clearing the object cache, and disconnecting typedefs in the executable, is there anything else to try?


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Message 1 of 10

Is there a log for building the application?  Maybe that has some info?

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Message 2 of 10

I can try to get one tomorrow, but it just has a couple of lines followed by all of the VI names. There are no errors logged or anything!

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Message 3 of 10

Hello, here is what the build log says. The ".." is where it lists all of the VIs in the executable. Unfortunately this does not give me any more ideas, I'm at my wit's end!


1/17/2019 10:30:06 AM
Project: C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Stella Module Test.lvproj
Target: My Computer
Build Specification: exe
OS: Windows NT 10.0

[Open Top Level VIs]
C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Stella Module 1/17/2019 10:13:14 AM

[Source Files]
C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Instrument Drivers\Newport XPS Motion Controller\User Events\Close Stage Controller\Close Stage Controller.lvlib 1/17/2019 10:07:31 AM
C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Instrument Drivers\Newport XPS Motion Controller\User Events\Enable Stage Controller\Enable Stage Controller.lvlib 1/17/2019 10:07:31 AM
C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Instrument Drivers\Newport XPS Motion Controller\XPS Connection\XPS Connection.lvlib 1/17/2019 10:07:33 AM



C:\LabVIEW\2016\Projects\Stella Module Test\Stella Module 1/17/2019 10:13:14 AM 934

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Message 4 of 10

 Right after I reached wit's end, I decided to try building in a different location. I usually build in a network folder where all of our build LabVIEW executables go, and I have never had a problem. I don't like to build in the local folder because sometimes the antivirus locks the folder and causes an error. Anyway, I build in my C:\LabVIEW folder and it completed successfully... I'm guessing this is because the paths were shorter, but I don't know for sure.

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Message 5 of 10
Accepted by topic author Gregory

Ok, making a little more headway now! I noticed the executable was ~80MB when I built it on the local drive. I went back and looked at some of the VIs and they take up a lot of disk space. Some of the other developers like to set graphs and arrays to have large sets of default data so they can debug away from the station. I went through and cleared out the worst offenders, and I was able to build in my normal place on the network drive without a problem. The final exe is ~7MB. It is still strange though, because I left the app builder running overnight so it should have not had a problem building the 80MB exe. Either way, I am happy with the outcome 🙂

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Message 6 of 10

I am also experiencing a similar issue working in LV2016.  I wouldn't say that it is due to file sizes.  I can build the exe to a local folder and the built app is <5Mb in size.  If I try to build to a network location, the build never completes and the build status is stuck at "Building application..."


I can build an application from a different project in LV2016 to the network so I don't suspect the network is entirely the issue.  I build LabVIEW apps to a network folder all the time.


The problem project has some lvlibs and xctl's in it.  If anyone has an idea of what to look for, I'm nearing my wit's end too.

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Message 7 of 10

Another data point is that after staring at "Building Application..." for several minutes, I can click Cancel to cancel the build and the status will say "Canceling..." but that never completes either.  I can close the Build status dialog box while it still says "Canceling..." but then LabVIEW seems locked up and unresponsive in the project window.  I end up having to kill LabVIEW with task manager.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Hi jjbloomfield


If the only sticking point is getting the build onto the network drive, you could try adding a Post-Build to your build specification and using that to move the exe from the local build destination to the network once the build is completed



Senior Software Development Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Architect and LabVIEW Champion

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Message 9 of 10

That is a valid idea as a workaround.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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Message 10 of 10