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Application builder not including dependencies

I am trying to create a executable file. I am using LabView 2011.  I created a projects and have my main program listed. The dependencies are listed under it. They are from the vi library and the user library. When I create the executable none of the dependencies are with it. This is the first time this has happened.

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Message 1 of 6

Hi benegin,


Is "Dependencies" listed in the Project Files inside the Source File Settings Category in the Application Builder?



Josh E
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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Message 2 of 6

Yes Dependencies is listed in the Project Files.

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Message 3 of 6



I notice that you replied to your original post almost a month after. Are you still currently experiencing the same issue? In order to resolve this, I am going to need some more information about exaclty what your exe is doing. Are you making any driver calls such as DAQmx or VISA? If so, it might be necessary to build an installer. 

Huntington W
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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Message 4 of 6

Thanks for the reply. Yes I am still dealing with the problem. I built a stand alone installer for the run time engines for LabVIEW 2011 to 2008. The Exe files that I make in LabVIEW 2010 and before seem to work. The program that is not working now  is one that calls DaqMX and some file routines and three sub VI's. When I try and run the Exe the program asked for the location of all those VI's

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Message 5 of 6



Whenever you create an installer, you always need to include the run-time engines as well as the drivers that are involved in the program, this includes your DAQmx driver. These drivers must be installed on the target machine in order for it to function properly. If they are not, then that is when you will see the message indicating that your VIs cannot be found. Are you using relative file paths in your code? That could also be a part of the issue. 


Here is a link that can give you a good overview about creating executables with the Application Builder. 

Huntington W
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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