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Automatic/Programmatic Detection of Device ID (Device Number) of PXI modules

Hi All,
I'm currently working on a project in RF (RFSG & RFSA) using,
PXI-1042 Chassis
PXI-8331 (MXI-4) module
PXI 5610
PXI 5421
PXI 5600
PXI 5620
My project is going to be integrated as a sub-module into another project developed in VC++.
It'll be called as an external component into that.
I want the RF module to get auto detected when it is called from VC++ with the correct Device ID (Device Number) shown in MAX.
This is because, for the same slot configuration of the RF modules into the PXI-1042 Chassis,
it shows different Device ID (Device Number) when connected to different PCs.
So, I dont want the user to launch the NI-MAX & then key in the correct Device ID (Device Number) shown there.
It'll also become tedious & messy since this RF module is called by VC++.
How can this be achieved?
Is there any way to autodetect the Device ID (Device Number) or the Resource Name, in some cases, without the help of MAX?
I do not mean the slot ID for which some material is already available in the NI website.
Thanks & Regards,
- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2024 🙂 )
Message 1 of 4
Hi Partha,

There is a VI named 'Get DAQ Device Information' which can be obtained through Traditional DAQ>> Calibration and Configuration pallete. You can iterate this VI in a for loop, and check whether the device name matches with the one that you require (see attached image). I have not worked with RF, so don't know exactly whether this VI will work with RF cards.

Hope this helps!

Message 2 of 4

Dear Partha,

To get the information of your devices using the DAQmx driver you can use the DAQmx Device properties (some of which include product type, product number, module device number etc.) to retrieve such information.  If you are using the Traditional DAQ driver, you can use, as indicated in previous response, the Get DAQ Device info function.  For more information about the available DAQ functions, please refer to the C Function Reference (both for DAQmx and Traditional DAQ).

Hope that helps,



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Message 3 of 4

Just for my ref...


Programmatic Slot Detection of PXI Instruments

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2024 🙂 )
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Message 4 of 4