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I do experiment on semiconductor devices.


I have a KEITHLEY 2635B to apply voltage and

measure current across a semiconductor device.


The start voltage is -0.1 V; The end voltage is 0.1 V;

The step voltage is 0.002 V. The current limit is 0.1 mA.

The delay time is 0.05 s. 


I use a Lake Shore Model 330 as a temperature controller

for a helium refrigerator.


The starting temperature is 298 K; The ending temperature is 300 K;

The step temperature is 10 K.


The number of data is 100. The number of readings to average

is 4.


The both instruments are connected to a computer through a GPIB. 


How can be a LabView block diagram to automate both voltage and

temperature instruments and acquire voltage and current 

data on a Excel file by using a user interface (shown in red) please?


I know that this is really a difficult problem. I can't resolve it.

Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

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Message 1 of 15

This sounds a lot like you're trying to get us to do your job or your homework for you.


You'll need to write enough code to get to a more specific question and then post again, or start by doing some tutorials or watching some videos and trying it again.

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Message 2 of 15


Hello. I posted a code for that, but it didn't appear in the site.

I post it again here. Voltage is on the x-axis and current on the y-axis.

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Message 3 of 15

If you are trying to do this yourself, you need (a) to learn LabVIEW (take a class, preferably one where you Get a Grade or Pay Money, something to force you to pay attention, do the work, and ask your instructor for help with concepts you don't understand), (b) find a LabVIEW "guru" and apprentice yourself to her (or him) for a few weeks to get "up to speed" quickly, or else (c) hire a LabVIEW Developer and let them do this.


If you are doing this "on your own", spend a bit more time on the LabVIEW Tutorials, make a serious effort, and come back with a specific question that doesn't sound like "Do my Homework for me".


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 15

You're in luck, there are LabVIEW drivers and examples pre-made for everything you are looking for.  You will need to integrate them but for that you will need to learn a bit more about LabVIEW.  It should not be that hard however.



Lakeshore -

Keithley -

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Message 5 of 15

Hello. When I click on the file, an error occurs as attachment shows.

How can I fix the error while I use LabView 2018 please? Can Lakeshore 340 be replaced with Lakeshore 330? Is there a way to change the big blue coordinates such as x-axis to be voltage and y-axis to be current please? Thank you so much.

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Message 6 of 15

Hello. I found a program in the attachment that I think can resolve the problem. However, when I run it, there is an error 7 as shown in the png file below.


How can I fix the error please?

How can I replace Lakeshore 340 in the program with Lakeshore 330?


Is there a way to change the big blue coordinates in the front panel of the

program such as x-axis to be voltage and y-axis to be current please?


Thank you.


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Message 7 of 15

Hi Farzad,


How can I fix the error while I use LabView 2018 please?

By checking (aka debugging) which file is missing (or in the wrong location)…

Your image is missing the file path control: which path did you choose?

Btw. that VI is a horrible example with lots of outdated functions - and RubeGoldberg constructs all over. Especially the file path generation in the upper sequence frame (in frame 0) is bad…


Can Lakeshore 340 be replaced with Lakeshore 330?

When you want to replace hardware you need to read the specs of both devices. Only replace one by the other when the specs for your desired measurement/application is the same…


Is there a way to change the big blue coordinates such as x-axis to be voltage and y-axis to be current please?


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 8 of 15

Hello. I could solve the two problems:


1) To fix the "error 7", open a folder called "Sirshendu" in your D drive, and put a notepad file called "data" inside the folder. The funny name Sirshendu is in the original front panel.


Then, run the program and the error goes away.


2) Below the big coordinates in the program, there is a user interface for Y-axis that you can change it to current and even choose a log. scale.


3) I can't change the Lake shore 340 to Lake shore 330 in the program. However, maybe this program works for Lake shore 330 too. My KEITHLEY is 2635B but any program for 2602A works for 2635B as the company says.


Thus, I should run the program in the lab with real equipment to see whether the program works in the lab or not.


I post two png files after setting up the program at home for my future real experiment.


I'll be back to report the real test.

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Message 9 of 15



Can you please replace Lake Shore 340 with Lake  Shore 330 in the Block Diagram

of the LabView program of the link below and give a new link:


 You may give me the instructions for the replacement please.

The program doesn't work with Lake Shore 330, and my instrument is Lake shore 330.


I appreciate you.

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Message 10 of 15