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CIN compiling VC++ 2005

I have a small program ("DocumentLoader" from the OpenOffice SDK) which I have compiled in Visual C++ 2005.  I have heard that the 2005 version does not support compiling to lsb needed for LabVIEW, but then I read Lycangeeks blog, and found an unofficial makefile for exactly this purpose (Which I promptly downloaded of course).

I'm new to C++, and have very little experience in makefiles, linking and so on.  I have vague menories from a short course in college about 10 years ago, but my knowledge is currently approximately zero.

What do I have to execute wo use this makefile to generate an lsb file for use with LabVIEW?

Sorry for the pretty NooB quesions, but I'm learning.

Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
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Message 1 of 7
I can't answer your question, but what are you wanting to do in conjunction with OpenOffice?


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Message 2 of 7

I don't have any experience with CINs, but Rolf keeps saying that you should use DLLs instead.

If you want more details, you can (or probably should) read his recent article posted to Tomi Maila's blog.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 3 of 7
What do I want to in conjunction with openoffice?  Whatever's possible.

I also saw the DLL thing from Rolf, and I think this is the way I'll go.  I just thought that cross-platform is easier since the code is already trimmed for multi-platform, simply requiring a re-compile in the case of a CIN.

I suppose generating linked libraries for each platform isn't so bad.

Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
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Message 4 of 7
If you don't mind keep this thread posted as to our progress...


Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 5 of 7

Will do Mike.

I^m looking forward to getting my first example running with LabVIEW.  In my opinion, OpenOffice has more useful functionality than MSOffice, like the SaveAs PDF.  And it's free of course.  Not just does it not cost anything, it's properly free.

I'm new to Openoffice Programming, and C++, and creating DLLs, so progress may be a little shy of stellar.....


Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
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Message 6 of 7
Hello Shane,

I don't have much experience with CINs either, but as I see it, you just have to put the unofficial makefile into the
<Labview>\cin directory. Please remember to make a backup of the existing file.

Afterwards, the new makefile should automatically be used by LabView to build the code utilizing the Visual Studio compiler.

I hope this helps getting you started.

I won't be in office for the next two weeks, but please do keep us posted about your progress. I will try to catch up when I return.


AE, National Instruments Germany
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Message 7 of 7