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Calling VB Functions From A .NET DLL and getting error "The type initializer for 'Module' threw an exception"

Hi everyone,


A colleague of mine has written several methods in VB that would allow me to communicate with a web service. This web service does some validation, and then pushes this data to a database. I'm trying to call these methods using LabVIEW's .NET functionality, but keep getting the same error no matter what method I try to call. I feel like I'm missing some little fundamental thing that is throwing everything off. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? The error simply says that the type initializer threw an exception.




Greg Sullivan

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Have you talked to your friend about putting a little more information in the errors? Also could you be using it incorrectly? Like not initializing something, or opening something?


Sounds to me like you and your buddy need to sit down over a couple beers and discuss things. Does he have example code in VB showing how to use his .net assembly?



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