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Can anyone help me on how to make readings using three sensors on LabView using Visa so that the reading position doesn't move?

As has been mentioned before, we cannot analyze pictures of code. If you want us to comment, attach the actual VI.


  • We cannot tell anything about all the blue express VIs and how they are configured
  • There are still terminals without labels (really bad idea!)
  • If you would show the digital display of the charts, you could eliminate many indicators.
  • Your series of multiplications can be simplified.
  • Way too many wire bends.
  • Weird diagram background color.
  • Mix of terminal styles (icon or not).
  • What's in the FALSE case?
  • Using plain comma delimited files using low-level primitives would be so much more efficient, open the file before the loop and write the headers, the append rows inside the loop, then closing the file after the loop is very simple and since the file is kept open there is little OS overhead.
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