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Case structure grows when cycling cases or moving objects

After migrating a project from LV2015 to LV2020 I have a seriously annoying problem.


A rater large case structure now grows in size every time I move between cases, and also when I move objects in cases. 


1. I move a text constant in one case and store the changes



2.I move to the next case and the asterisk indicating unstored change(s) in the VI appear



3. Make changes in this case (usually clean up more objects that have moved), store changes

4. If I select the case where I initially moved the text constant I observe that the text constant has moved downwards, and also other objects have moved, and once again the asterisk indicating unstored changes appear. 




I don't have the "Auto grow" option activated. Also, I tried a mass compile of the source folder and I have tried running the VI to disable auto grow in all VIs in the source folder (found here:


Have anyone experienced the same? Is there a solution available?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

@Treigstad wrote:

Have anyone experienced the same?

Maybe. Not me.


@Treigstad wrote:

Is there a solution available?

Maybe. That's going to be hard without examining the problem.


First step would be to find the cause. This could be 1 thing, or everything, or anything in between!


You could try to delete 50% of the cases, see if it helps. Then the other 50%. Then narrow it down. You might (or might not) find a particular case, and then you can delete 50% of that. Etc.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

I saw this (or similar) a few years ago.  See this thread and the one linked there.

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

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Message 3 of 12

That`s the solution I tried prior to posting. Unfortunately this didn`t solve my issues.

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Message 4 of 12

I tried copying the entire case structure to a new VI. There were no issues with the size increasing or objects moving. This leads me to believe this is one of the quirks one encounter from time to time where a VI just appear to go bonkers and can`t easily be repaired.


I may have to bite the apple and copy the entire front panel to a new VI and paste in the block diagram, tidy it all (this is my main VI with a lot of functionality and UI) and hope for the best.

Have already tried saving the current VI as a new VI, but that inherited the same error.

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Message 5 of 12

If the case structure is only a moderate subset of the entire VI, you could work in a new VI to tidy it, and then try copy pasting it back?


If that doesn't work (I don't have high hopes if your original VI is mysteriously borked) then at least you'll have the case structure still in the new working VI to do as you already considered and move your front panel.

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Message 6 of 12

I have seen this happen too, and I think it was an old (LV2014?) program that was upgraded to 2020.


I believe I had to recreate the entire case structure to get it to stop. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 7 of 12

It may be a corruption.  Though, I'd try a CTRL+Shift+Run Arrow.  After that, do you see the same behavior?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

@cbutcher wrote:

If the case structure is only a moderate subset of the entire VI, you could work in a new VI to tidy it, and then try copy pasting it back?


If that doesn't work (I don't have high hopes if your original VI is mysteriously borked) then at least you'll have the case structure still in the new working VI to do as you already considered and move your front panel.

I am trying this. Copied the case structure to a new VI and is cleaning this. Takes a bit of time as this is the main "engine" of the application, handling all menu-selections and button presses. Hope the transplant back in the original Vi will go down well, if a bit too time consuming than desired.

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Message 9 of 12

@natasftw wrote:

It may be a corruption.  Though, I'd try a CTRL+Shift+Run Arrow.  After that, do you see the same behavior?

Unfortunately this did not help in this occasion. I`ll remember to try this "trick" on other occasions when LabVIEW acts up.

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Message 10 of 12