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Changing visible tab based on an action

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I'm new to labview and have looked over the intro materials but I've reached a mental block preventing me from figuring this out.


What I'm trying to do is create a VI with 3 tabs. The first tab is basically a setup for the serial port. Once the user pushes a button, the serial settings will then get set over to the rest of my VI on the other tabs to open the serial connection. When the user pushes the button, I also then want the VI to automatticaly switch to the second tab and allow the user to flip back and forth between the second and third tab.


So far what I've been doing is just creating a control and having that feed into a case structure, which works fine for the second and third tabs, but of course doesn't help for the first. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? 

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author awwende

Create a local variable for the tab.  You can then set which tab is active by writing to the local variable.

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Message 2 of 3

That did the trick, thanks.

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