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Child vi cannot disappear when parent vi rolling up

Hello Carya,


Can i dynamically call a subpanel?

because i would like to call uncertain amount of control during run time

the reason i use vi as child window because i cannot dynamically call the control (the control must be created before running the program)

by using child window concept, not only i can create any amount of control on demnand, I also can move the control freely, which is what i need(because i may need to focus on certain test cell during presentation)





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Message 11 of 26

 also notice that in the last video i post, there is another abnormality


when i call the subvi and set it as child window, it front panel dissapear


i have to "dip" it in the parent window border to recover the front panel


how ever this will not happend if i hide the window title bar first

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Message 12 of 26

>subvi and set it as child window

LabVIEW does not have child windows. Use a SubPanel.

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Message 13 of 26

Hello Carya,


what do you mean by this?


as far as i know, you can set vi window as child window of another another vi window using user32dll as shown in my last video

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Message 14 of 26
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Message 15 of 26

@coloredsound wrote:

Hello Carya,


as far as i know, you can set vi window as child window of another another vi window using user32dll as shown in my last video

LabVIEW is not mend to do stuff like that. You can do stuff like that, but you'd be swimming against the flow. It will not do you any good.


Have I mentioned already that SubPanels is what you want?

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Message 16 of 26

Hello Carya,


Thank you for the code, this seem to be working


is it possible that i dynamically create the subpanel, on demand?


because as far as i understand, the subpanel is also a type of control and control cannot be dynamically created




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Message 17 of 26

@coloredsound wrote:

Hello Carya,


Thank you for the code, this seem to be working


is it possible that i dynamically create the subpanel, on demand?


because as far as i understand, the subpanel is also a type of control and control cannot be dynamically created

You are right, you can't dynamically create them.


However, if you must do it dynamically, you can create 1700 (I tested this with 1700 but that number is random) of them and show\hide\move them at will. 1700 will be your maximum but that might be enough. If not, maybe 3000? There should be very little overhead, subpanels are very efficient. It might very well be more efficient then 1700 sub VI's on top of a main VI.


BTW: XControls might also help, but I'm no fan.

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Message 18 of 26

Hello Carya,


thank you for your advice

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Message 19 of 26

@coloredsound wrote:

Hello Carya,

thank you for your advice

Please accept an answer, or formulate your answer so you can accept it. Keep the forum clean.

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Message 20 of 26