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Computer crashes for inductive load

Hello All,


After trying numerous things, I am still facing the same issue.


Right now, I have used an isolator between the NI card and SMPS based power supply. The power supply's output and its 230V AC input is also isolated.


I am attaching the photo of crash screen with this.(Occurs at any random time)


I searched online for this and could not find anything. All the computers run the same OS. Few are working fine. Few are not.


My office computer, my laptop(battery operated) also have crashed earlier.


Kindly help!


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Ah, the old "DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL" BSOD... I used to have that problem with an old lab computer.

You could not find anything online? I suppose you mean specific to your problem but in general it is not unusual:


Just to rule out some things:

Are you absolutely certain that the problem does not have anything to do with memory, com, usb or pci? For instance that your computer does not crash when a device connected to usb is turned on?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

Can you attach your LabVIEW code?


This error seems painfully similiar to a problem I had with some code some one made for me about 10-11 years ago.  It was a BSOD.  I don't remember if the messages were the same as what you are seeing.  But the person was communicating with a DAQ card and proceeded to create a new task on every iteration of the loop, but never cleared the task.  (The proper implementation would have been to create the task once before the loop started, and cleared after the loop was done.)  After so many iterations, I think it was up around 80,000, PC crashed to a blue screen.  Something about the message got me looking into the DAQ calls.  As I divided and conquered what part of the code was causing the problem, it got me looking into a particular subVI and that is where I found the create task, read DAQ happenining.  Once I fixed that, I never had problems again.

Message 13 of 13