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Controlling a tab control from a Sub VI

Hey Guys,


Is it possible to control a tab control from a sub vi? I want to be able to show/hide pages on a tab control, but I would like to have that functionality in a sub vi. 




Based on weather or not certain hardware is available in a configuration, I want to be able to display or hide tabs. I will have all of the tabs already inserted into the tab control, but the default is to have them all hidden until hardware is found, then the appropriate tab will show up based on the subvi. However, I also need to be able to hide that tab if that piece of hardware is no longer available.


I've added a screenshot of what I currently have going on in my main vi. I would like this to be implemented in my sub vi.


Thanks in advance.





Message Edited by Bard on 09-02-2008 09:30 AM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

Hi Bard,

you can use the reference of the tab control. Link it to the sub vi and you can do what you want.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Thanks Mike for your quick response.


How can I link it to a subvi, thats the problem I'm having. I'm unfamiliar with linking property nodes in subvi's?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Hi Bard,

Create a reference of your tab control (right click on it and select create - > referece). Create a control from this reference and move it to your sub vi. Go to the front panel of your sub vi and link it to the connector panel.


Hope this helps.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13



How do i connect a button to a tabcontrol. As in when i press the button the page2 of a tab control should appear.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

Hi siya,

  I have attached a sample vi.Please go through it.I think you need to have more understanding on LabView data flow and how to program in labview.Please go through LabVIEW basics I&II.






Message 6 of 13

Thanks a lot for the help :).

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13




I would like to confirm a thing. To export values of the data acquired and the intermediate values in the functions, wiring a write to the input is the best solution. Is that true?


I am very new to labview. I have a button specifying  a range of 1-150, on clicking the button , three more buttons should appear, which provide ranges 1-50,51-100,101-150.How do i achieve this?


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

Write spreadsheet is a good way to export data, yes.

You can create property nodes of controls and indicators by r-clicking them in the wire diagram. One such is Visibility. Place the buttons and hide/show them as needed.


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0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13




Can u please explain it in more ellaborate manner. or if u can attach a program it would be great.



I have a tab container having three pages , but in my case i can include only page 1 and page 2. How do i include further pages in the case.


Thanks for helping me.:)

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Message 10 of 13