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Critical Bug Report: LabVIEW crashes when the Get Plot at Position method is called for a Graph in an unshown Tab page

Just to clarify, the latest bug I reported has nothing to do with tab and I probably should have posted it under a different thread.

But carry on, I want to be enlightened as well as to why tabs are not a convenient way for a quick multipage UI development.

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Message 11 of 12

The first bug (CAR 550336) I reported above (LabVIEW crash) is still alive in LV 2016. It still crashes LV cold. You can report critical bugs, they won't necessarily be fixed.

The seconf bug (CAR 587259) is also still active in LV 2016, but this is less surprising, as it is not critical. As a matter of fact, I am ready to bet it will never be fixed like many other annoyances who only affects users...

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Message 12 of 12