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DAQ Assistant Building Code Generation Error

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So what happens is I open a DAQ assistant block on the block diagram window. From there I select the measurement type and the physical channel. After that the DAQ assistant express task window pops up. I then enter in all of my sensor settings and I will then hit OK in the bottom right to exit out of DAQ assistant. On our previous version of LabVIEW what would happen here is the DAQ assistant window would close and a 2nd window opens and says "please wait. Building VI", and then would allow me to connect other blocks to it on the block diagram. However, now when hitting OK in the DAQ assistant window it brings up a error window that says "LabVIEW code generations failed to execute. This may occur if the code gen engine is not properly installed, or if you are using a LabVIEW license version under development"


This is on LabVIEW 2022 Q3

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Accepted by topic author mjriczo

Hi, you may be running into the DAQmx bug listed at LabVIEW 2022 Q3 Known Issues. (Bug number 2065508.) Give the workaround listed in the known issues a try, if possible. Otherwise, another workaround is to switch to using the DAQmx API functions.  

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