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DAQmx drivers needed to calculate statistics in a standalone application ?

Thanks for the quick reply.  Yeah I guess I should start a new thread.  That aside, yes I did install the LV 2012 RTE but I installed from the NI site and I did not create an installer for my application.  I have never had to.  I will add one more thing for completness and then I will have to start a new thread.  The error I get when I run the app is that it cannot find NI_ALLbase.lib Error 3.  When I look in the LV 2010\vi.lib\Analysis directory no such library exists.  I believe that library is a built-in and should be at that location.  I just don't know why I get the same error for both the built application and the project sved for 2010.


Thanks for your help!



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

If your try to run a LabVIEW 2010 build exe on a target mashine that only has LabVIEW RTE 2012 then it will fail.
You need to have the same version of LabVIEW RTE install as the LabVIEW version you build from.


And as you have already installed the version 2012 of RTE on the target mashine there are two options.

1. uninstall LabVIEW 2012 RTE, and then install LabVIEW 2010 RTE and LabVIEW 2012 RTE. And yes they need to be installed in this order.


2. Upgrade your build mashine to LabVIEW 2012 and build a new exe inn 2012.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13



Thanks for the suggestion.  Sorry if I was unclear. The exe was compiled under LV 2012.  The LV 2012 RTE was then installed on the target machine and when running the application I got the error I described above.  The target machine has LV 2010 so I decided to save the library for 2010 on my development machine and tried opening the main vi using LV 2010 on the target.  Doing this gives me the same error.  Also, when browsing to ".\vi.lib\Analysis" on the target machine there are no LV builtin libraries.   

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Message 13 of 13