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DSC Alarms: how to get the current alarm levels / setpoints

I have a VI that can get the alarm levels for shared variables as they are set in the project library.

But I have programmatically changed the values for the alarm levels, so the Distributed System Manager shows different levels as compared to what my VI displays.  I want the updated or current alarm levels - the ones that are retrieved by Read Alarms (called setpoints).

I could use Read Alarms, but that only shows the shared variables that are in alarm.  I want all the shared variables in a process that is currently deployed.


Any suggestions?


BTW, is Distributed System Manager the same tool as Shared Variable Monitor?  I can't find the Shared Variable Monitor on my system.



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Hi Gretchen,


To answer your second question first, Shared Variable Monitor was the old name for what became Distributed System Manager. There was also some added functionality beyond just shared variables with DSM, so the name got changed. 


As for suggestions regarding your application, I could use a little bit of clarification. I understand you're programmatically changing the alarm values and you want to display the values of your shared variables and their respective alarm states, correct? Also, when you're running your VI DSM does not update with the new alarm values (what happens when you hit the refresh button?). 


I found a couple examples that may be useful moving forward Example 1, Example 2. These cover using shared variables and DSC's alarming features.


Tim W.

Applications Engineering

National Instruments 

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