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Difference between Channels Reader-Writer and Consumer-Producer Method..??

Difference between Channels Reader-Writer and Consumer-Producer Method..??

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Not sure of the question.  Are you asking about using Channel Wires instead of Queues in an application?  This is certainly possible -- I have been using what I call "Channel Message Handlers" (CMH) in my Projects since 2016 (when Asynchronous Channel Wires were officially released).  There have been instances where I've had to "fall back" on Queues (when implementing Asynchronous Clones or when developing the Real-Time section of a LabVIEW Real-Time Project), but I've been very happy with them.


Without seeing your LabVIEW Project (best if you compress the Project folder and attach the resulting .zip file), I can't provide much more help (other than encouragement).


Bob Schor

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