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Discovering number of physical channels

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When setting up a DAQmx device in LabVIEW code, is there a simple way to discover and report the number of physical channels that have been selected?  I have looked for Property Nodes to do this using the "Physical Channels" control as well as the "task out" indicator, but I haven't found anything so far.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Forbes Black
Lapsed CLAD, LV 5 - LV 2022 (Yeah, I'm that old...)
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author diarmaede

Found it!


Measurement I/O -> NI-DAQmx -> Advanced -> Task Confi... -> Task Node -> NumChans (Number of Channels)



Forbes Black
Lapsed CLAD, LV 5 - LV 2022 (Yeah, I'm that old...)
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2