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Displaying Messages in a Log type Format with wrapping

Hello developers,


I am trying to develop a message log display that is similar to the windows event viewer.  Using a multi-column listbox I can map a symbol to a bitmap to get the warning, error, and informational ICONs to show up.  My issue is that some of the messages can be long and there appears to be no way to word wrap a listbox or table cell.  Has anyone been able to do this?  I wonder if it could be done with an Xcontrol.



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Message 1 of 5
You can do a multiline input in a table.  I don't know if there is a way to autowrap it.  But you could write some code that replaces certain spaces with a carriage return to get the next word on to the next line. 
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Message 2 of 5

Unfortunately, either of the two suggestions appears to put the additional lines in subsequent cells which is not usually desired.

If Excel can do it, you would think that LabVIEW should be able to do so, as well, but it doesn't.

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Message 3 of 5



If you are talking about manually entering data into the listbox, then yes, hitting enter will change to the next cell.


If you programmatically write to the property node ItemNames with carriages returns in whatever element of the 2-D string array, then you will see that the lines break apart within the cell.


Actually, if you want to wrap words when manually entering data in the listbox, you can hold the Alt key and enter 0013 on the numeric keypad to enter a carriage return.

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Message 4 of 5

Adding those ASCII carriage returns is a great idea if all you want is to use the table as an indicator.  I use the table cells for data entry and, unfortunately, none of my users is sophisticated enough or patient enough to do that.

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