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Displaying a timed message in test panel for 10 seconds

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What is the best way to display a timed  pop-up message in the current test panel?
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Message 1 of 8

If you are refering to the test panels in MAX, then the answer is you can not change their code and the way they work.


If you want to simply create a VI that runs for 10 seconds and closes you could simply have a 10second wait then call the close front panel method or abort, or just code it to complete and if its called as a subVI the main VI can then continue on.

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Message 2 of 8



Your user icon does not appear on the web page.  Probably because it is hosted on some oddball 3rd party website


You should post your icon image file in the thread and have your profile point to the image file there.

Message 3 of 8
Thanks I got my ying and yang back 🙂
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Message 4 of 8

If you don't mean a Test Panel in MAX, you might consider the JKI Please Wait Dialog in the LAVA Code Repository.

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

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Message 5 of 8
Accepted by topic author chazz

OMHG^ (oh my holy god above):smileysurprised:Smiley Mad

I'll post a decent wait routine from work tomorrow.  



NI  --- will you buy, or rent, an horologist?


jc- do you know what KIND of "time" you are "waiting"  Again, "Time" is measured in SI seconds and equal to a specific number of transisitions between two hyperfine states of the valence electron on a specific isotope of a Cesium atom.  NIST submitts their approximation of "Time" to an international body for correction on a (ir)regular basis Smiley Wink


"Civil Time" (local day-time) is a legal, not measurably traceable, term and is coordinated globaly.  "Civil Time" as a legal term and has no scientific measurement related to "Time."


Assuming (big assumption) that you care nothing about "Civil Time" (time of day) nor "Time" (a root dimension), an OS system mS timer has a value that is useful for these types of applications. 


LabVIEW has two independant type definitions "Time Stamp", a cluster derivitive from local "Civil Time" represented by the OS System clock (the calaibration is left to the OS) and "mStimer.value", derived directly from the OS mStimer dependant only on OS procesess (the calaibration is non-existant)


That being said,  the mS timer of a PC is a U32 int.  Add U32 int + unk (coerced to an XXInt) and the result may be greater than the largest possible "mStimer.value".  once every so many weeks the mStimer rolls over----- Now if you are "Waiting" for mStimer.value to be greater than +inf..........(that could take foreverSmiley Sad)  Smile everybody its happened to me! and the reason I became an amature horologist (plz don't tell my wife- she's still waiting)


Of course, simple math can predict an overflow of a U32.  I do it all the Smiley Happy"Time" with the Delay vi I wrote to avoid waiting forever.



Who else has written one? 


Smiley Wink  is NI stuck in this same loop with the fix for Wait +(mS).vi?


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Jeff at home wrote:

OMHG^ (oh my holy god above):smileysurprised:Smiley Mad

I'll post a decent wait routine from work tomorrow.  



NI  --- will you buy, or rent, an horologist?


jc- do you know what KIND of "time" you are "waiting"  Again, "Time" is measured in SI seconds and equal to a specific number of transisitions between two hyperfine states of the valence electron on a specific isotope of a Cesium atom.  NIST submitts their approximation of "Time" to an international body for correction on a (ir)regular basis Smiley Wink


"Civil Time" (local day-time) is a legal, not measurably traceable, term and is coordinated globaly.  "Civil Time" as a legal term and has no scientific measurement related to "Time."







Smiley Surprised

Message 7 of 8

Ravens fan-



I appreciate that you are not a big supporter of the preeminant NFL Vikings!!!!


However, what is  "0 seconds"?


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Message 8 of 8