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Does multiple TDM file readers affect to performance?

Hi All,


I'm building an application which shows some trend data to multiple users. There is one TDM file which contain the trend data and users can select data for viewing. Same time new data is writed to file.


I have not used TDM before but I think that should be enough fast protocol to this application. I'm not sure is multiple users or continuous data writing creating problems for application performance?







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TDM and TDMS both are capable of generating well organised and documented file format, difference is, TDM have a strictly required XML-based header file separate from the bulk data file, TDMS files have a single binary file that contains both the header and bulk data.....


After reading NI webpage documents, I had figured out as TDMS have little edge over TDM because every document says TDMS file format have fast streaming and no information about TDM ("TDMS provides streaming data to disk quickly in a structured format")....


but practically i find TDM and TDMS same in processing speed and quality of data management ..


But both file format is hassless and easy to keep well documented large amout of data in comparison to other formats like ASCII, XML, Database ..

and in my opinion on practical experience, TDM and TDMS both should be same..



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