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DynaPanels: Now we can place controls dynamically

HI tushar


The link which you have provided for source code is not working .Can you just check into it so thtwe can download source code it from it?

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Message 31 of 38




So sorry, i did not visited the forum for so long

please find the code attached. right now i have not checked it, just mailing you from my backup, there should not be a problem, but if you face any feel free to PM me


Tushar Jambhekar

Jambhekar Automation Solutions
LabVIEW Consultancy, LabVIEW Training
Rent a LabVIEW Developer, My Blog

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Message 32 of 38

The source zip seems to be corrupt.  Could you please check this and repost, thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 38

I made a few edits to your code and figured I'd share.  It is in very VERY rough shape but I wanted to give what I have.


I fixed the "Show/Hide Resize" controls.  I had to force a minimize and restore for the controls to be shown/hidden.  You can now "Remove" the graph making it a floating window.  You can now programatically reisize and reposition a window (right click "Resize Now").  This could be used to save and restore window positions and sizes.  Oh and hold shift to move a window when in a parent, I'm not sure that was mentioned anywhere and it took me a while to find it.

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Message 34 of 38

I know this thread is a little bit old.  However, for anyone still interested, I have an application that implements a dynamically designed form that is built on the .Net platform.  It is in a very usable state and can be found on .  The screens look very much like a typical LabVIEW form design.  The communication to the screen is current done using a combination of UDP messages and ZeroMQ but it could be modified to any form of communication.  It is part of a larger project I am working on named Open Dyno.


Open Dyno Visualize.png

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Message 35 of 38

@rogerthat wrote:

I know this thread is a little bit old.  However, for anyone still interested, I have an application that implements a dynamically designed form that is built on the .Net platform. . 


For anyone interested know that this appears to have no connection to LabVIEW.  Also I would refrain from using the term "real-time" unless it is capabile of running in a real-time operating system.  From what I saw it did not but I maybe mistaken.


I also didn't see much in line of documentation.  I just ended up running random EXEs until one of them didn't crash.

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Message 36 of 38

You are correct that the application doesn't use LabView.  I tried to indicate that in the original post but I guess it wasn't clear.  The use case is pretty much the same as a LabView Front Panel.  I was trying to find out how dynamically create a control in LabView when I found this post.  From what I have found so far LabView doesn't easily support dynamic user interface creation.  I thought that there may be an interest in how to accomplish this using other methods which is why I responded.


The application that is currently online is referred to as a simulator.  It runs at 100Hz on Windows to simulate the same code that you would run on an RT target such as QNX or Linux with the Preempt_RT patch applied.  The simulator is being written to be cross platform so that you could test algorithms on Windows before deploying to an RT target.  So you are correct unless you deploy to an RT system it will not run in real time.  Some people might not require the RT target at all and would simply need to sequence a test on Windows.


The simulator download includes a number of applications for that work together as a complete package which is something similar to NI Veristand.  The RT simulator application is called OpenDyno.exe and runs your algorithms and test sequence at 100Hz along with point and alarm calculations.  There is a configuration application named OpenDynoConfigurationManager.exe.  This allows you to configure the points, alarms, test sequences, algorithms etc.  The graphical user interface is called OpenDynoVisualize.exe and which can spawn any number of OpenDynoScreens.  The screens are dynamically configurable and would represent something similar to the LabView Front Panel.  The major difference is that you can design and operate the screens at runtime.  By using ZeroMQ you can view and operate the screens from any computer connected to a network. 


For these applications to work properly you need to edit the IP Addresses in the configuration files.  The files to edit are





The IP addresses need to be changed from to a local IP address on your computer.  There is also a readme.txt in the sourceforge download that explains a few more details of how to get started.  I also attached another document that provides a few more details on how the GUI works.  The Open Dyno application is a work in progress.  I am currently the only developer on the project so the documentation is a little bit weak at this point.  There is more documentation on the website that explain some of the lower level details.

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 38



Looks like the link to download the source code is not up to date. I cannot download it.

Can someone repost it ?


Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Message 38 of 38