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Embed labview generated code with c++ gui application

Hey everyone ,

  I am very new to labview and trying to learn it  ... but before that i wanted to make sure a doubt which i have in my mind , the problem is that i have a realtime GUI application built on c++ widgets and i want to change the existing DSP block in this application with the code generated by using the LABVIEW , i am sorry that have very

less amount of knowledge regarding labview so i turn up with thread ... So can generate c++ code for the DSP blocks designed in labview ... if yes how and if not why . Any

sincere help will be appreciated . And I very much apologise for any mistakes in my question .


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

You cannot generate C++ code from your LabVIEW block diagram.  You can compile your LabVIEW code into a DLL (library) that the C++ code can call.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Actually there is a LabVIEW C code generator for LabVIEW 2010. It's a direct descendent of the LabVIEW Embedded Toolkit and uses the same technology to generate C code from one or more VIs. However the price point may be a little prohibitive for most applications.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Thanks nathan for your immediate reply , from the information you have provided to me ... it means that the application which has the GUI part written in wxWidget

cannot be embedded with the labview generated DSP block code . What i actually want to do is to use my labview only for the design of my DSP in my labview and after that i want to embed the code generated from labview to embed to my wxwidget . As it almost dont generate c++ , then is there any other way i can use custom gui which the DSP block will feed realtime data to it ... please suggest someway which i can do this ...  thanks in advance.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Thanks rolf, is it possible that i use labview to disign my DSP block only and the output be fed to my custom c++ blocks and also wxwidget GUI ... suggest some means thanks ...

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10


@Tonph wrote:

Thanks rolf, is it possible that i use labview to disign my DSP block only and the output be fed to my custom c++ blocks and also wxwidget GUI ... suggest some means thanks ...


Well, have you followed the link I gave in my post? You can download an evaluation version of the add-on and try it out in LabVIEW. It generates C code, not C++, but that should be no problem, since it is very easy to call C code from a C++ application. I can't vouch for the suitability of this add-on for you, nor do I know the exact price range so that are certainly things you have to do for your own.


As to nathans solution, that could work too. If your application is for Windows, or MacOS X, or Linux you can create a shared library from your LabVIEW code and call it as such from your C++ application.


Personally I would find it a rather roundabout way to include LabVIEW generated code in a wxWidget application. One of the strengths of LabVIEW is not only signal acquisition and analysis but also simple GUI design, at least as long as you are after a functional GUI, and not a very specific style of a GUI. So I would never even consider to do the GUI part with anything but LabVIEW if some other parts are already to be done in LabVIEW.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Thanks roylk ,

  As per the information you have given to me , i find it very useful . I would like to discuss two points as per the information you have provided .


I have visited the link you have provided me regarding the c generator , and  found out some usefull information too. If I use it , can you please guide me

if is it possible to generate the DSP blocks design with my hardware as a shared library , can you please provide me a link or totorial where i can learn to do so and include the shared library to be used from my c++ application ...



Moreover as per the gui part , i have an application (GUI) previously built using wxWidget , as this is a custom GUI where many zigzag functionality like displaying

information in textcontrol , listcontrol etc are included . I would like to use the prebuilt wxWidget only so as i can only use labview for the DSP block design only  for my

hardware. More correctly i want to just use the shared library generated from the Labview to be used with my wxWidget  gui as the display part.


Hope i have not made any mistake and have asked something used tio me as well as the forum .


Thanks ... apology for any mistakes from my side ....


Thanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

HI for alll! I want to make this project in Labview and I don`t find that box from image... how can I find it? This project is on the web adress !

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Why would you hijack an old and totally unrelated thread?

it's the formula node.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10


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Message 10 of 10