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Error 10401 when switching to a new DAQ Card



I am running LabVIEW 7.1. Initially the computer had a PCI-6024E DAQ card installed with Traditional NI-DAQ 7.2 and NI-DAQmx 7.2. The card worked fine.


Recently I replaced the 6024E with a PCI-6225 DAQ card and it was not recognized by MAX. I then downloaded a newer version of DAQmx, 8.6.1 (I chose this because it is compatible both with the new 6225 and also the old version of LabVIEW, 7.1). Once I installed this, MAX recognized the 6225 and it passed all of the MAX tests, so I think the hardware is fine. However, when I run I get an error 10401. I then removed the 6225 and replaced it with the 6024E again, and the old card still works fine.


With the 6225, the error 10401 occurs in 2 different subVI’s. I've attached a screenshot of the error and the subVI "DIO Port Config" where it occurs. The other subVI where there is the same error is "AI Group Config".

I have a guess for why the error 10401 is occurring. I read on this forum that these two subVIs are Traditional DAQ subVIs, which can't be used if the board (6225) is setup to use DAQmx. Is this true?

In addition to the error screen shot, I've attached a screen shot of MAX with the old card and a screen shot with the new card. You can see that the 6024 is setup to use the Traditional DAQ, but the 6225 uses the DAQmx. If the code is written using Traditional DAQ functions therefore it makes sense that there would be errors with the new card. When installing DAQmx 8.6.1 I was told that "a newer version of Traditional DAQ was suggested". MAX shows that my Traditional NI-DAQ is version 7.2. Recall this was also the version of DAQmx I had prior to installation of 8.6.1.

Could installing an updated version of the Traditional NI-DAQ and then setting up the 6225 to use this instead of the DAQmx remove these errors? If this is a solution, does the 6225 support Traditional DAQ?


I appreciate any help,



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Message 1 of 5

You can not mix traditional and DaqMX vi's in the same program. The Daq card will need to be reset every time you switch between the traditional daq and DaqMX.

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Message 2 of 5

And no, the 6225 cannot use the obsolete traditional DAQ driver.

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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for your help everyone.


Are there perhaps analogous functions to DIO Port Config and AI Group Config for DAQmx? The screenshot I've attached in my previous post (Error) is the only instance of DIO Port Config in the code, how complicated is the change?



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Message 4 of 5

It takes a little getting used to if you have never done anything but Traditional. I find that it is easier after using it for a few years now. It may be a bit of work depending on how complicated your code is. If you need help we can point you in the right direction. Look at the examples and work from there.

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Message 5 of 5